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Last work
"Catamarca Patagónica"
"De la sierra a la estepa"
19'' x 23'' 2020
"Carrileufu Passion"
39'' x 51'' 2020
"Snow Dust"
15'' x 31'' 2019
15'' x 19'' 2019
"Mi compañero"
"Final Loop"
19'' x 23'' 2018
"Pa' bajo"
"Antonio Moreira"
"21 de Diciembre"
"8 de Mayo"
15'' x 19'' 2017
"Back Home"
"Slow Waters"
"Río Grande"
9'' x 18'' 2016
"La Mosqueta"
9'' x 11'' 2016
"Cerco Andino"
9'' x 19'' 2015
"Nervous water"
9'' x 19'' 2015
"La trepada"
12'' x 16'' 2015
15'' x 31'' 2015
"Morning IV"
9'' x 11'' 2015
12'' x 16'' 2015
"Murmullo de las piedras"
15'' x 19'' 2015
"Clearwater Revival"
15'' x 19'' 2015
"Way back"
19'' x 23'' 2014
"Limay Hyde"
11'' x 23'' 2014
39'' x 51'' 2014
"Rod & Spray"
11'' x 23'' 2014
"Fuerza Bruta"
11'' x 23'' 2014
"Ternera Guacha"
11'' x 23'' 2014
15'' x 19'' 2014
"Small Waters"
11'' x 23'' 2014
"Tierra patagónica"
12'' x 25'' 2013
12'' x 23'' 2012
"Last Attempt"
9'' x 11'' 2000
9'' x 11'' 2000
"El cerco"
15'' x 19'' 1995
"Luna sobre Nahuel"
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Synthesis of experience in the art until 2005. From his father to his son Konstantinos Emmaus. A selection of his best works, first-person accounts , reviews and testimonials throughout his career.

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Works inspired by paintings of Georg
Claudio Maldonado

01. Momento en el Museo I
02. Trolope
03. Momento en el Atelier I
04. El carnero
05. Momento en el Museo II
06. Cimbronazo

07. Momento en el Museo III
08. La danza del girasol
09. Momento en el Atelier II
10. Soledad
11. Angostura
12. Momento en el Museo IV

The Method

Georg , The Method is a simple compilation of works, together with my ideas and comments on art , painting and technique in front of a camera. It is by no means expected to be an academic treatise at all. I have tried to show the creative process i would have liked to see in those works i enjoyed and learned from in so many museums throughout the world, real lectures on painting i profited so much from. How much we would have learned if we had been able to see Sorolla , Fader, Monet, Cerov , Sargent, Vicent ....! Bearing in mind I'll never reach their stature and having learned AU PLEI AIR in the same way they had. I thougth that sharing my 45 year experience migth prove useful. It is Pablo Padula's technical and artistic skill that has made this compilation of images and anecdotes so captivating.
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"Pilo Lil"
50 x 60 cm    2007

Bill Bonner
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ Canada phone number 1-403-630-2795
/ E-mail: Bill.Bonner@brickburn.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
40 x 50 cm    2007

Randy Wheeler
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone (949) 433-9303
/ E-mail - randy@wheelerpartners.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"El Negro y Raul"
40 x 50 cm    2004

Randy Wheeler
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone (949) 433-9303
/ E-mail - randy@wheelerpartners.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"El ojo del amo"
60 x 80 cm    2007

/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ E-mail: yo123@hotmail.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
30x42 cm    1974

/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone 1136822457
/ E-mail: rosalianb@yahoo.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Sacando Redes"
60 x 80 cm    1981


/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ gnzata@hotmail.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Bajada Toranzo"
45x60 cm    1981

Irigoyen Ignacio
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 11 44718000
/ E-mail: ignacioirigoyen@hotmail.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Nocturno en el Chorrito"
65 x 81 cm    1981

Irigoyen Ignacio
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 11 44718000
/ E-mail: ignacioirigoyen@hotmail.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Quebrada de Ischilin"
65 x 80 cm    2000

Antonio y Marcela Fallaschi
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ E-mail: fliafal@fibertel.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
40 x 50 cm    1997

Antonio y Marcela Fallaschi
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ E-mail: fliafal@fibertel.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
33 x 41 cm    2000

Antonio y Marcela Fallaschi
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ E-mail: fliafal@fibertel.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
24 x 30 cm    1998

Antonio y Marcela Fallaschi
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ E-mail: fliafal@fibertel.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"De vuelta al Puesto"
60 x 50 cm    2000

Silvia Miranda
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 11 61268916.
/ E-mail: silviauwc@yahoo.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Paso Roballos"
65 x 81 cm    2007

Silvia Miranda
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 11 61268916.
/ E-mail: silviauwc@yahoo.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Rinconada Hereford"
60 x 73 cm    2010

Silvia Miranda
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 11 61268916.
/ E-mail: silviauwc@yahoo.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Dos Luces"
50 x 60 cm    2010

Silvia Miranda
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 11 61268916.
/ E-mail: silviauwc@yahoo.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Patrones y Pahuenes"
65 x 81 cm    2011

Silvia Miranda
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 11 61268916.
/ E-mail: silviauwc@yahoo.com.ar

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
65 x 81 cm    2009

Gustavo Garlot
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 351 7077423
/ or +54 351 6428483
/ E-mail: garlotgustavo@gmail.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Lanín de los Ñires"
60 x 73 cm    2003

Gustavo Garlot
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ My direct phone +54 9 351 7077423
/ or +54 351 6428483
/ E-mail: garlotgustavo@gmail.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Costa Cantabrica"
100 x 130 cm    1984

Mariela Canelo
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ Phone number +54 9 2944 53 2129
/ E-mail: marielabonzano@gmail.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Recodo del Trocoman"
65 x 81 cm    2001

Edwin Gott
/ Negotiation by a direct way
/ Telephone: 1-412-228-7268
/ Email: Mr.edwin.gott@gmail.com
/ U.S.A.

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
65 x 81 cm    2009

Edwin Gott
/ Negotiation by a direct vway
/ Telephone: 1-412-228-7268
/ Email: Mr.edwin.gott@gmail.com
/ U.S.A.

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Back Home"
33 x 41 cm    2010

Edwin Gott
/ Negotiation by a direct way.
/ Telephone: 1-412-228-7268
/ Email: Mr.edwin.gott@gmail.com
/ U.S.A.

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
50 x 60 cm    1980

Guillermo Ferrari
/ Negotiation by a direct vway
/ Cellphone : 03537 15 672447
/ E-Mail: patoferrari0705@gmail.com

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Sunshine II"
20 x 32 cm    2010

Gala Arte y Vinos.
/ Direct Negotiation
/ galaarteyvinos@gmail.com.
/ Precio u$s 2500

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Al Galope"
50 x 60 cm    1995

Teresa Salazar
// Cel.: +54 9 11 3401-1523
/ Mail: teresasalazar@hotmail.com
// U$S 15000

Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
"Nocturno Huechulaufqueño"
52 x 41 cm    1991


Georg Collection is not involved in the commercial arrangement between supplier and buyer.
Salomé Audisio
+54 9 11 5515 3800
Colección Georg
Las Frutillas 198
San Martín de los Andes
+54 2972 425 557
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© Georg Miciu